
The current list of all network participants is available here.

The list of Conectados al Sur participants is here.

Network participants’ bios will be uploaded once they are available to us. Current submissions include the following:

Mauro Accurso

Mauro Accurso - Communications and Sustainability Manager, GSMA Latin America. Mauro se desempeña actualmente como Gerente de Comunicaciones y Sostenibilidad en GSMA Latin America, basado en Buenos Aires. Se encarga de coordinar tareas de comunicación, contenido del sitio web y web 2.0, relaciones con medios y el desarrollo editorial de la Revista GSMA LA Vision. A su vez, es coordinador del Task Force de Salud y Móviles, y del Task Force de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en América Latina, compuesto por más de 100 ejecutivos de operadoras móviles de la región trabajando en temas de protección de niños online y desechos electrónicos, entre otros. Cuenta con el título de Técnico superior en periodismo de la Facultad TEA de Buenos Aires y amplia experiencia en periodismo digital cubriendo extensivamente la industria móvil de Latinoamérica.

Gameli Adzaho

Gameli Adzaho is a Ghanaian science teacher and blogger currently studying for a masters in environment and human health at the Truro campus of the University of Exeter. A Tullow scholar and Diplo alumnus, he is interested in exploring diverse topics such as digital literacy, social media, Internet governance, social innovation, e-health, the e-waste menace and African development. Gameli blogs at The Gamelian World and on the Diplo IG platform, and has contributed to many initiatives including BlogCamps, Ghana Decides , BarCamps, JuniorCamp Ketasco and TEDx.

Ana Maria Acosta

Ana Maria Acosta is from Ecuador, the middle of the world. She is founding member of a media collective based in Quito,El Churo Comunicación. El Churo, an organization lead by young people, focuses on communication rights, especially for those who have been historically dispossessed of such rights. La Wambra Radio is El Churo’s on-line radio station. Ana has trained youth, women, and GLBTQI, Indigenous and Afro-descendent communities to appropriate new technologies so they can represent themselves. She received her undergraduate degree in communication at La Universidad Central in Quito, and is currently working on a masters Degree at La Universidad Andina on community communication and intercultural philosophy.

Ivan Agusto Pinto Aguilar

Profesional en Ciencia Política y Administración Pública, con especialidad en Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico, Marketing y Comunicación Política; habiendo cursado estudios en Comunicación Política, Redes Sociales, Juventud y Desarrollo. Con experiencia de trabajo en: Proyectos de Participación Ciudadana, Planificación  Participativa, Elaboración  de  Políticas  Públicas,  Cooperación  para el Desarrollo, Innovación Tecnológica y Nuevas Tecnologías de  Información y Comunicación (TIC). Consultor independiente.

Regina Agyare

Regina Agyare is a social entrepreneur and finalist for the African digital woman of the year. She is passionate about using technology to cause social change. She started a social enterprise called Soronko Solutions that uses basic mass technology to drive human potential and founded Tech Needs Girls Ghana, a movement to encourage girls to lead and innovate by learning to code. She is currently working on a program that will develop the next generation of innovators and problem solvers from rural communities in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics in Ghana and Sub Saharan Africa. With a mobile phones, laptops, raspberry pi's and tablets she is equipping rural Ghana children with the STEM and critical thinking skills to solve the problems they live with everyday and fight poverty.  

Yavuz Akbulut

Yavuz Akbulut is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at Anadolu University, Turkey. He has an M.A. in English language education with emphasis on computer assisted language learning, and a Ph.D. in Computer Education & Instructional Technology with emphasis on ICT integration at tertiary education. Dr. Akbulut has tried to create and disseminate knowledge about the use of emerging communication technologies particularly in higher education.

Julius O. Akinyemi

Julius Akinyemi is the initiator of Unleashing the Wealth of Nations project and the Resident Entrepreneur at MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Akinyemi, a native of Nigeria, is exploring the commercialization of technology innovation to empower people in developing nations, so that they may invent new opportunities for themselves and their societies in a networked “always-on/always connected” information economy, with an entrepreneurial spirit. Prior to his residency at the MIT Media Lab, Akinyemi was Global Director of Emerging Technologies for PepsiCo, Inc.; Senior Vice President for Emerging Technologies and Wireless Business Technology for Wells Fargo Bank, where he also served in various areas of the bank including finance, systems, retail and commercial banking. Julius has been involved in various industry groups including membership in the Mobile Finance Steering Committee of the Financial Services Technology Consortium and Bank Information Services (BITS) Financial Services Round-table. He was also involved in the Consumer product Group’s RFID technology item tags project. Julius was an Executive Advisory Board member of Cingular/AT&T Wireless as well as Verizon Wireless companies...

Aristides Alvarez

Arístides Ricardo Alvarez, Analista de Sistemas, Especialización en Seguridad Informática, Licenciado en Animación de Organizaciones Culturales y Sociales (Universidad del Salvador), finalizando Especialización docente en Educación y TIC en el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. Director del Instituto Superior Nª 9045 "Zona Oeste" y Pro-Secretario de Educación del SADOP (Sindicato de docentes privados) Seccional Rosario. Desde hace 4 años vengo trabajando en la prevención de nuevas formas de acoso a niños y adolescentes  a través de las tecnologías.Colaborador de la ONG MaMa en línea de víctimas del grooming.

Rachel Alwala

Rachel Alwala is the Manager for Events and External Affairs at the Communications Commission of Kenya, the ICT regulator in Kenya.  She is a communications practitioner with over 12 years experience in public and international relations in the ICT sector.  Rachel is an MBA holder from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Commonwealth Professional Fellow, a member of the national Digital Television Committee in Kenya and a crusader for children, youth, and women. She has undertaken several initiatives to enhance the capacity of marginalized groups, including the organization of a workshop on ‘Harnessing the Potential of Girls and Women in ICTs’.  She is the author of a paper titled: ‘Educating the Girl Child in developing Countries Through E-Learning: Imperatives of Collaborative Interventions.’ Rachel previously worked as an Administrator at Childlife Trust, a charity organization for needy children in Kenya.

Murilo Amatneeks

Murilo Amatneeks is currently the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian National Youth Council (Conselho Nacional de Juventude - CONJUVE). He works at the National Youth Secretariat, part of the General Secretariat of the Brazilian Presidency, where he manages relations with Civil Society and coordinates the Inter-ministerial Committee for Youth Policies. Through his work, the relationship between Civil Society organizations and youth groups has been significantly improved through the launch of a new virtual interactive platform called “Participatório - Observatório Participativo da Juventude” – a participatory observatory of youth policies.

Nelson Remolina Angarita

Nelson Remolina Angarita is an Associate Professor of Law and Founder and Director of the GECTI a study group on Internet, Ecommerce, Telecommunications and Computer Law at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. He is also the Director of  Ciro Angarita Baron Center for the protection of personal data in Colombia. He is an author and co-author of articles and books on personal data protection , e-commerce, dematerialisation of securities and financial instruments and electronic commerce.

Gustavo Annecchini

Gustavo Annecchini began his artistic career in marketing and entertainment with a focus on transforming the national art market in a large pool of opportunities for artists and agents. As an entrepreneur and advertiser, Gustavo brings the experience of 15 years of work to various artists and professionals nationally and internationally including: Fernanda Montenegro, Sonia Braga, Ami James, Milton Chen, Fernanda Torres, Rene Silva, Renata Ceribelli, Rodrigo Pimentel, among many others. As a producer, Gustavo has performed corporate events, cultural plays, lectures, concerts, and food fairs, all with the aim of promoting cultural industry and generating business for artists and professionals. Currently, Gustavo Annecchini is CEO of Projetteria Entertainment, a modern concept agency that manages the careers of 30 personalities and produces content for specific artistic projects for Communication Advertising and Marketing Live.

Tolga Aricak

Osman Tolga Aricak is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology. He received his Ph.D. from the Marmara University in Istanbul. Tolga focuses on the prevention and intervention of cyberbullying. Along with his colleagues, he developed quantitative measures for cyberbullying, cybervictimization, and cyberbullying sensibility, and also developed a program to enhance the sensibility towards cyberbullying. He is also interested in multivariate statistics and structural equation modeling. Tolga is collaborating with the Youth and Media team on ongoing work about online privacy, safety, and information quality; he serves as a methodologist and statistician for the project.

Saeed Arida

Saeed Arida is the Founder and Chief Excitement Officer at NuVu Studio, a magnet innovation center for young minds. Prior to NuVu, Saeed worked as an architect and designer working on projects for MIT, LG, Samsung, and Microsoft. He received his bachelor of architecture from Damascus University and then studied design computation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he received a SMarchS and PhD. His doctoral research examined the intricacies of the creative process to understand what creativity is and how an educational environment can nurture creative learning. The architectural studio pedagogy informed this research that eventually evolved into NuVu Studio where students learn in a hands-on environment with coaches who help students create projects and move through many, many iterations.

Amar Ashar

Amar Ashar is the Berkman Center's General Manager of Special Initiatives. He joined the Berkman Center staff in 2007 and leads the development of various strategic efforts at the Center. He currently helps to build the Berkman network throughevents and programs, communications, and select projects including Media Cloud, the Network of Interdisciplinary Internet & Society Research Centers, the Mindsports Research Network, and other initiatives to facilitate institutional innovation. Outside of the Berkman Center, he is currently an MPA candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School, serves on the Board of Advisors for WZBC 90.3 FM (one of the first radio stations in the nation to webcast online), and is a member of the Sandbox Network.

Bruce Baikie

Bruce Baikie is Inveneo’s Executive Director and the Founder of Green WiFi. He leads Inveneo with extensive experience in developing regions, renewable energy, and telecommunications.  He has 17 years in Silicon Valley as a telecom industry expert, with background in computer engineering and experience implementing solar powered ICT4D projects. He recently provided technical guidance and hands-on training and implementation assistance bringing Internet access to hard to reach schools in Haiti and Micronesia. His areas of expertise include: wireless networking, eco-data centers, DC power, and solar power. Bruce has published numerous white papers and articles on green data center operations and solar power in ICT4D. His educational background includes a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological University and advanced studies in International Business from the University of Wisconsin. He is also a guest lecturer on solar powered ICT4D at ICTP and the University of Guam.  Most recently, Bruce has been mentoring students from IIT, UC Berkeley, CU Boulder, SFSU, and SJSU in ICT4D design and as they implement ICT4D projects.  Bruce is also on the NGO boards of Pacific Telecommunications...

Jacqueline Baljeu

Jacqueline Baljeu is a marketing specialist on youth at UNICEF in the Netherlands. She is a specialist in participation of young people and currently works on projects concerning child rights education.

Stephen Balkam

Stephen Balkam is the Founder and CEO, Family Online Safety Institute, an international NGO dedicated to making the online world safer for kids and their families. FOSI promotes the 3 P’s: enlightened public policy; industry best practice and good digital parenting. We work to build a Culture of Responsibility online and a sense of digital citizenship for all.

Alexandre Barbosa

Alexandre Fernandes Barbosa is the head of the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society under the auspices of Unesco based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is in charge of several nationwide ICT survey projects, including the Kids Online survey. He holds a PhD degree in Business Administration from Getulio Vargas Foundation, a Master Degree in Business Administration from Bradford University, a Master Degree in Computer Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Catholic University.

Matthew Battles

Matthew Battles is associate director of metaLAB at Harvard and a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, where he pursues research into critical and curatorial dimensions of technology in art, culture, and the sciences. He writes broadly on technology and culture for such venues as The Atlantic Monthly and The New York Times, and he is coauthor of The Library Beyond the Book (Harvard 2014).

Jacqueline F. Beauchere

Jacqueline F. Beauchere is the Chief Online Safety Officer for Microsoft Corp.  In this role, Ms. Beauchere is responsible for all aspects of Microsoft’s online safety strategy, including cross-company policy creation and implementation, influence over consumer safety features and functionality, and communications to and engagement with a variety of external audiences.  She also currently serves as the vice chair for the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) Board of Directors. Ms. Beauchere has spent almost 14 years at Microsoft leading various groups and efforts that evangelize the company's commitment to help create a safer, more trusted Internet experience for people of all ages and abilities. Before joining Microsoft in December 1999, Ms. Beauchere was an attorney in private practice in New Jersey, New York, and Washington, D.C.  A second-career lawyer, she spent 12 years as a real-time financial news correspondent and Editor in Charge, most recently with Reuters America, Inc., in New York. She is a cum laude graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law in Newark, N.J., and holds a dual BA in international relations and journalism from The American University in Washington, D.C.

Gerrit Beger

Gerrit Beger has been with UNICEF for the last ten years. He has previous experience working in the private and NGO sector. He started his career as a Media Officer at UNICEF UK and subsequently worked in Nigeria and India on challenging communication and crisis assignments. For the last five years Gerrit has led and grown a team introducing social media and digital engagement to UNICEF by pioneering innovative approaches such as digital citizenship and safety as well as promoting the use of social media for deeper dialogue with diverse UNICEF audiences. His team is in charge of managing UNICEF’s growing global Facebook and Twitter communities.

Wivina Belmonte

Wivina Belmonte is the UNICEF Representative to Malaysia and Special Representative to Brunei. She is passionate about leveraging social media for social change, to engage, inspire and connect audiences to create social good. Previously, as Deputy Director of UNICEF's global communications network, she oversaw the organization's active shift towards social media. She has lectured at Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy. Wivina was a a journalist with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for nearly two decades, before dedicating herself to development and human rights issues, first with the Intl Red Cross Red Crescent, now with UNICEF. She is a graduate of Harvard and Carleton Universities, with degrees in public administration and international relations.

Laura Benbenaste

A cargo de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Red Latinoamericana de Portales Educativos. Asesora del Gerente General de, ha integrado el Comité Ejecutivo de Conectar Igualdad y de la Comisión de Contenidos y Aplicaciones en Agenda Digital Argentina. Consultora y expositora invitada en más de 25 países de América, Europa, Asia y África.

Dalida Maria Benfield

Dalida María Benfield, Ph.D., is a digital media artist, researcher, and activist-archivist. Her artworks are produced through collective, participatory processes, and her research is focused on the intersection of global digital art and open access. Her most recent projects are focused on open access video and how artists transform networked communication, particularly related to feminist, Global South, and social movement perspectives. In 1994, she co-founded the youth focused media art collective, Video Machete, which created media literacy programs and an independent community media center in Chicago. She is currently working on the founding of an open access online video project, Women’s Media Archive, and a transnational feminist journal, The Institute of (Im)possible Subjects. She is a Visiting Faculty at the Vermont College of Fine Arts and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Center, where she was also a Fellow, 2011-2013.

Michael Best

Dr. Michael L. Best is associate professor at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology where he directs the Technologies and International Development Lab. Dr. Best is director of the PhD Program within the Sam Nunn School. He is also a faculty associate of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Professor Best is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the widely read journal, Information Technologies and International Development. He is a frequent consultant to the World Bank, ITU, and USAID. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT and has served as director of Media Lab Asia in India and head of the eDevelopment group at the MIT Media Lab.

Lorena Betta

Lorena Betta es Lic. en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Especialista en Educación por la Universidad San Andrés y Diplomada en Educación y Medios por Flacso Argentina. Se dedica al asesoramiento y capacitación en el área de Educación y Medios Digitales en organismos del sector público y privado, y además a la docencia en instituciones de nivel secundario, terciario y universitario.  Es profesora titular de Taller de Medios Digitales de la carrera de Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, y asesora en el área de Capacitación de Fundación Noble, son algunos de los cargos en los que se desempeña. Su sitio:

David Bickham

David Bickham, PhD is a Staff Scientist at the Center on Media and Child Health (CMCH) at Children’s Hospital Boston and an instructor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He received his doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin in Human Development and Family Sciences. His research explores media as an environmental factor that can influence young people’s physical, psychological, social, and academic well-being. Dr Bickham is the author of a number of research articles and book chapters, including a publication in a special issue of Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine entitled Is Television Viewing Associated with Social Isolation? The content of his current work is broad and includes assessing the effectiveness of media literacy and media reduction campaigns and examining the consequences of violent media use on bullying. Dr. Bickham has testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the effects of violent video games and has served as a keynote speaker at numerous organizational and academic meetings.

Maria Belen Bonello

María Belén Bonello es Licenciada en Ciencia Política y trabaja en la Fundación Dr. Manuel Sadosky coordinando la iniciativa Program.AR.

Travis Bright

Travis Bright is the Global Safety and Policy Manager at Facebook. His primary role is to review new products and features, insuring user safety and privacy. In particular, he focuses on product changes affecting those under 18. He also designs safety tools and works to build industry partnerships to promote child safety.

Diego Brom

Diego Brom nació en Asunción, Paraguay, es comunicador social y trabaja hace más de dos años como consultor de comunicación en la oficina de Unicef Paraguay. Cuenta con experiencia de trabajo en medios de comunicación y es un gran aficionado a la tecnología. Anteriormente trabajó en varias organizaciones no gubernamentales de Asunción en el área de comunicación.

Lionel Brossi

Lionel Brossi is an assistant professor at the Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile. He is actually working on the Zero Bullying Program in Chile and directing a project on Data Visualization in the field of Journalism and Social Communication.

Monica Bulger

Dr. Monica Bulger is a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford contributing policy research to multi-national groups such as UNICEF, ECPAT and the European Commission. Her recent work focuses on the ways in which digital literacy can reduce harmful online experiences for young users.

Jane Burns

Jane Burns is the founder and CEO of the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, an organization that unites young people with researchers, practitioners and innovators to explore the role of technology in improving  mental health and wellbeing for young people raging from 12 to 25. Jane holds a VicHealth Principal Research Fellowship at Orygen Youth Health Research Centre and an Honorary Fellowship at the Brain & Mind Research Institute. She has led the youth agenda for beyondblue and was a Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow at the University of California, San Francisco. She holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Adelaide. Jane was a Victorian Finalist in the 2012 Telstra Business Women's Awards and was listed in the Financial Review and Westpac Group 100 Women of Influence in 2012.

Patrick Burton

Patrick Burton is the Executive Director of the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP), with 20 years of experience in the development sector.  The CJCP undertakes research on issues relating to violence prevention, with a particular focus on children and youth. While at CJCP, he has undertaken the first and second National Schools Violence studies, and youth victimization studies, as well as the first national cyberbullying and online safety, study in South Africa, all in the role of principal investigator. He currently serves as a consultant to the National Department of Basic Education, and provincial Departments of Community Safety, on the safety and well-being of children.  He has undertaken work across nine countries over the past ten years. Patrick holds a Higher Diploma in Development Planning from the University of the Witwatersrand, and a Master of Science degree in Development Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban).

Jasmina Byrne

Jasmina Byrne is a senior researcher working in UNICEF Office of Research- Innocenti, Florence, Italy.  She leads UNICEF Office of Research’s work on children and the internet and have overseen and contributed to several UNICEF studies related to child safety online, cyberbullying and child rights on the internet (www. In addition, she is responsible for developing and leading UNICEF’s global research agenda on family and parenting support. Prior to joining Innocenti, Jasmina was head of UNICEF child protection programme in Indonesia. She has more than 18 years of international experience in managing complex child rights and protection programmes, including research, policy development, programme design and evaluation in South East Asia, Europe and Southern Africa with UNICEF, Save the Children. International Committee of the Red Cross and UN Women.

Kursat Cagiltay

Dr. Kursat Cagiltay is a Professor of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at the Middle East Technical University, in Ankara, Turkey. He holds a double PhD in Cognitive Science and Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University. He directed technical team of Turkish Internet project to bring Internet to Turkey in 1993. He is still Turkish Internet, .tr Top Level Domain Name Technical Manager. Kursat is the coordinator of Turkish EU Kids Online project team, which provides rigorous evidence about safer Internet use to Turkish researchers. He works to make the Internet safe and productive environment for children without losing freedom.

John Carr

John Carr is one of the world’s leading authorities on children and young people’s use of the internet and associated new technologies. He is currently a Senior Expert Adviser to the International Telecommunication Union and has previously been an Expert Adviser to the European Union. John is also a former member of Microsoft’s Policy Advisory Board for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In addition John has been engaged professionally to advise several, major high tech companies. Since it was founded in 1999 John has been Secretary of the UK Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety (CHIS), comprising all the major professional child welfare organizations in Great Britain. He is an Executive Board Member of the European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online (eNACSO) and on the Advisory Council of FOSI. He is a member of the Executive Board of the UK Government’s Council on Child Internet Safety.

Charlie Ruth Castro

Charlie is a Colombian entrepreneur and lawyer and business manager from Universidad de los Andes. She is currently the Country Director at Google Business Group Colombia as well as the founder and President at Rotary E-Club Sogamoso Global in addition to being the founder of Trazendental Apps. She is passionate about helping businesses and individuals discover their potential through Internet and improving opportunities for Latin Americans with the use of technology.

Tanya Chapuisat

Tanya Chapuisat is currently UNICEF's Representative in Costa Rica. After 11 years of working for the International Committee for the Red Cross in various humanitarian contexts of Rwanda, Peru, Bosnia and Guinea Bissau, Before joining UNICEF, Tanya completed an MBA and worked in the McKinsey  & Co for two years.  She has worked for the last 10 years for UNICEF, based in Senegal, Kenya and the Central African Republic.

Yi-Ning (Katherine) Chen

Dr. Yi-Ning Katherine Chen (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin) is a Professor and Associate Dean of College of Communication, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. She received her bachelor's degree and a master's degree in biology from National Taiwan University, and a Ph.D. in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include mobile communication, multitasking and well-being, and health communication.

Cristobal Cobo

Cristóbal Cobo ( is Director of the Center for Research – Ceibal Foundation in Uruguay, and also an associate researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, where he coordinates research on #EdTech, open knowledge initiatives and future of learning research projects in the EU and LATAM. He has been advisor or speaker in more than 30 countries (+ 4 TEDx).

Anne Collier

A journalist and youth advocate, Anne Collier is co-director of the nonprofit She blogs at and founded Net Family News, Inc., in 1999. Anne currently serves on the Aspen Institute Task Force for Learning & the Internet and in 2009-'10, she served as co-chair of the Obama administration's Online Safety & Technology Working Group, which delivered its report to Congress in June 2010, and prior to that on the Harvard Berkman Center's national Internet Safety Technical Task Force in 2008. With her co-director Larry Magid, she co-authored the first parents' guide to teen social networking: MySpace Unraveled (Peachpit Press, 2006) and several guidebooks helping parents navigate parenting in a digital age. She has spoken at numerous conferences throughout the US and internationally, contributed chapters to two books on youth and digital media, appeared on PBS Frontline's "Growing Up Online" (2008), been heard on public radio and nationally syndicated commercial radio in many states, and been quoted in the New York Times, Business Week, the Associated Press, and many other news outlets. Among other advisory roles, Anne currently serves on Facebook's Safety Advisory...

Sandra Cortesi

Sandra Cortesi is a Fellow at the Berkman Center and the Director of the Youth and Media Project. She is responsible for coordinating the Youth and Media’s policy, research, and educational initiatives. At the new Youth and Media Lab Sandra works closely with talented young people and lead researchers in the field as they look into innovative ways to approach social challenges in the digital world, including the production and exchange of digital media, youth development in social networking, and digital citizenship. Together with Urs Gasser and the YaM team, she focuses on the topics of “information quality” and privacy, about which she has coauthored several publications. Sandra also examines a broad range of youth communication and information technology practices for insights into youth online behavior and emergent policy questions, where she applies her training as a cognitive scientist. Sandra continues to also be engaged in European projects in collaboration with the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Sandra has a Masters in Psychology, with a specialization in Neuro-Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction, from the University of Basel.

Diana Coryat

Diana Coryat is a visiting researcher in the Program of International Studies and Communication at the Faculty of Latin American Social Sciences in Quito, Ecuador. She works on issues of communication rights, Latin American media reforms, and social movement media. She has worked with youth media organizations and collectives in Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Northern Ireland, and Venezuela. Diana is a proud co-founder of Global Action Project, a youth media organization based in New York City. She is a doctoral candidate in communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  

Giuliana Cucinelli

Dr. Giuliana Cucinelli is a researcher and media creator whose research interests are focused on digital and social media, with an emphasis on education and teacher training, community/cultural media activism, emergent media practices, action research, and youth culture. Her creative work involves web-based interactive documentaries, location-based/locative documentaries, websites, sound/audio soundscapes, graphic design, transmedia/cross-media, and social media. Through interdisciplinary approaches her research merges theory and practice. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Comparative Media Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA).

Sherri Hope Culver

Sherri Hope Culver is an assistant professor at Temple University, Philadelphia in the School of Media and Communication and directs the Center for Media and Information Literacy. She is president of the National Association for Media Literacy Education. Sherri works with children's media companies to create fun, quality, resonant media content for kids. Her work focuses on the ways in which educators, parents, and kids can bring greater media literacy to their relationship with media.

Tim Davies

Tim Davies is a Fellow at the Berkman Center, a PhD Candidate in the Web Science Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Southampton, and open data research co-ordinator with the World Wide Web Foundation. He is founder and co-director of Practical Participation, a UK based consultancy focussing on children's human rights, civic participation and technology. Between 2006 - 2011 Tim worked extensively on use of social media within youth work and youth participation, and was active in the Dynamic Coalition on Youth at the Internet Governance Forum. He tweets as @timdavies.

Joseph Douillette

Joseph Douillette is a video artist and educator from the Boston area. He has been a museum educator at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston since 2003, and is currently the ICA’s Teen New Media Program Manager where he oversees filmmaking, DJ-ing, Digital Photography and other new media workshops for Boston-area teens.  Joe graduated from Boston University’s College of Communication in 1993 with a degree in Broadcasting and Film.  His current artistic work includes single-channel autobiographical vignettes. He owns and operates Egg Rock Media, a local media production and consulting business, and JP Sucks, a local gourmet honey lollipop company.  He has three children, and he oversees the work of about 40,000 honey bees.

Juniper Downs

Juniper Downs is a Policy Advisor at Google, where she helps lead child safety initiatives, and works on policies for issues like harassment and hate speech on products like Google+ and Blogger. During law school, she mentored a juvenile offender, taught legal skills in a women’s prison and a juvenile center, and worked on a documentary project about public basketball courts, which was published in part in the New York Times. Juniper began her legal career at the American Civil Liberties Union, where she represented public school students who had been subjected to discrimination or other violations of their rights. She then went to work for the Santa Clara County Social Justice and Impact Litigation project, where she was part of the litigation team challenging California’s ban on same-sex marriage and worked on various policy issues affecting youth. She olds a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Brown and a J.D. from NYU. Before becoming a lawyer, Juniper was a teacher in Oakland, CA.

Donna DeGennaro

Donna DeGennaro is the founder and director of Unlocking Silent Histories, a nonprofit that creates spaces for indigenous youth to critically analyze how they are represented in the media and to produce documentaries from the youths' perspectives. Donna obtained her PhD in education from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004.  Since obtaining her degree, she has been working with youth in informal learning environments in the US and abroad. Her research bridges theory and practice and has developed into a technology-mediated, youth driven pedagogy that fosters youth voice & agency.  This unique and organic learning model is now the foundational philosophy of USH.  Donna's commitment to indigenous populations began in Guatemala, where she witnessed youth capturing their languages and cultures.

Thierry Delvigne-Jean

Thierry Delvigne-Jean is Chief of Communication & Partnerships at UNICEF South Africa. He leads a multi-disciplinary team responsible for the design and management of programs and initiatives aiming to put social issues at the centre of the public agenda. He started his career with UNICEF in New York City, where he was responsible for managing the French and Spanish versions of the UNICEF’s global web site as well as global digital campaigns and initiatives. During that time, he co-led the development of Voices of Youth, UNICEF's global website for children and youth. Through the years, he has used digital and social media to promote human rights, social change and participation. Most recently, in South Africa, he initiated a research and advocacy program aiming to explore how children and youth make use of social media and how they negotiate their safety online.

Mia Doces

Mia Doces is the Director of New Ventures at Committee for Children, where she is responsible for identifying and supporting new avenues for broadening the organization’s mission of fostering the social-emotional development, safety and well-being of children.  Prior to this role, she developed and produced social-emotional learning and anti-bullying curriculum, media and adult training that is used in more than 25,000 schools worldwide. She works on state- and national-level youth initiatives, serving on the Washington State legislative anti-bullying work group and advising organizations such as Sesame Workshop and the Born This Way Foundation on bullying prevention and social-emotional learning. Ms. Doces holds a BA from Vassar College and a Master’s of Education from Western Washington University. She has 15 years of media production experience with an emphasis on educational media, and her work was recognized with a 2011 CINE Golden Eagle award.

Mark Eichorn

Mark Eichorn is an Assistant Director in the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection (DPIP), where he supervises privacy and data security matters.  He joined DPIP at the end of 2009 from FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz’s office, where he served as an attorney advisor for Chairman (and previously Commissioner) Leibowitz on consumer protection issues.  After joining the Commission in 1998, Mark worked for many years as an attorney in the Division of Advertising Practices and served a six month stint in 2003 as an attorney advisor to FTC Commissioner Leary.  Mark went to law school at the University of Virginia, and later clerked for Ninth Circuit Judge Robert Beezer before joining the Seattle firm of Mundt, MacGregor.

James Chemose Ekwam

James Chemose Ekwam is a mentor and educator on photography and film-making to children and youths in the Mathare slums in Nairobi, Kenya, where he himself grew up. He helped design Zoom Magazine as a part of the Usanii Lab. At the Usanii Lab, he also focuses on helping youths of the Kakuma refugee camp, one of the largest refugee camps in the world, and the Turkana community in an action endeavor, Youths Against Poverty. Because many of these children do not have any access to Digital Media due to government neglect, this endeavor aims to teach them communication design, photography, and film production.

Camila Urbina Escobar

Camila Urbina Escobar is a lawyer from Medellin, Colombia with a passion for digital education and Human Rights. Currently she works for Beyond Access communications strategist for Latin America, community manager and Spanish content creator for the initiative’s site; and Makaia as a communicator and consultant for social organizations. She created the first MUN society in her country and a program for university students to train children and youth, from all backgrounds, in peaceful conflict resolution and global citizenship. Worked for the Colombian Mission to the UN and the Colombian Security Council Team as a legal and political advisor; has 3 years of teaching experience with children and teens; She has a published thesis dissertation on the application of Human Rights to the Internet and ICTs.

Christopher Fabian

Christopher Fabian co-created and has co-lead UNICEF’s Innovation Unit in New York since 2007. Working with UNICEF’s 135 country offices, the Innovation Unit’s research and development priorities focus on near-term challenges in the world’s most difficult operating environments. Christopher believes that technology is not the end-product of innovation, but a principal driver of new ways of thinking about development problems. The Unit’s commitment to open-source engagements, determination to learn from failure, and realization that local talent must be front-and-center in creating successful local solutions has positioned UNICEF as a global leader in innovation for development. In 2013, he was recognized as one of TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people.

Merva Faddoul

Merva Faddoul is a United Nations Global Expert on Youth and Media. She is currently an Innovation Project Manager at UNICEF, where she works to highlight the latest innovations from around the world through TED-like talks. Prior to working at UNICEF, she led capacity building efforts to provide civil society leaders from around the world with traditional and social media skills as a Senior Program Manager at Soliya, an international non-profit based in New York. Her projects included bringing youth voices to international fora such as the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Forum and the Arab League. She has lectured and has been featured as a panelist at New York University, Qatar University, Lebanese American University and the United Nations.

Chris Farley

Chris Farley is a sophomore at Harvard College. He works with the Digital Problem Solving Initiative at the Berkman Center to study how students interact with the University using social media. He is also involved in Harvard’s Institute of Politics.

Urko Fernández

Urko Fernandez is the senior project manager of PantallasAmigas, where he researches and develops new educational resources aimed at raising awareness and promoting safe and healthy uses of new technologies among children and adolescents. He has a BS in Computer Science and a Master in Business Administration, and more than a decade of experience developing digital educational resources, focusing on mobile and videogames in the last five years. Knowing the possibilities and security challenges that mobile devices and social networks bring, along with his experience in various roles and stages of software development, provides him with an insider’s perspective to design new educational materials related to healthy uses of ICT, with particular emphasis on the promotion of a culture of privacy and the prevention of child grooming, cyberbullying, digital violence against women, and sexting.

Primavera De Filippi

Primavera De Filippi is a postdoctoral researcher at the CERSA / CNRS / Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas).  Her research interests are mostly related to the development of ICTs and their repercussions on the legal system, online practices and the preservation of civil rights in the cyberspace. She is currently a research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. where she is exploring innovative systems of governance -combining regulation by code, contracts and social norms- that would support the deployment of decentralized architectures, while ensuring the respect of civil liberties and legal norms. Primavera is also a mechanic and digital media artist. As a free culture advocate, her works are designed to challenge copyright law, both in the digital and physical world. Most of her artistic creations encourage interaction and community participation, as a means to challenge the traditional conception of authorship and artwork enshrined in copyright law. She co-founded an artistic collective that produces interactive works released under open licenses (

Marlon Forrester

Marlon Forrester (painting) received a BFA from The School of The Museum of Fine Arts Boston/Tufts University ('08) and Master of Fine Arts from Yale School of Art ('10). His work has been included in exhibitions in the United States and in Boston at Violence Transformed ('12), The Museum for The National Center For African American Artist ('12); Hallspace Gallery ('12); Bunker Hill Community College ('13), Samson Projects ('11) Medicine Wheel Gallery, (13). Spoke Gallery (13) Forrester's work explores the corporate use of the black male body in sports (basketball), his paintings, mixed media works, sculptures, installations and video are mediations on the black male figure experience in America. He teaches in Boston Public Schools, and has led workshops at various colleges, universities, and high schools. His works are in corporate and private collections.

Akaliza Keza Gara

Akaliza Keza Gara is the founder of a multimedia company called Shaking Sun; a member of Girls In ICT Rwanda; a mentor at kLab, an ICT innovation hub; and is member of the Advisory Board for Microsoft 4Afrika. She loves open source technology, animated films and chocolate milkshakes.

Urs Gasser

Urs Gasser is the Executive Director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and a Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School. He is a visiting professor at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and at KEIO University (Japan), and he teaches at Fudan University School of Management (China). Urs Gasser serves as a trustee on the board of theNEXA Center for Internet & Society at the University of Torino and on the board of the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen, and is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin. He is a Fellow at the Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research. Dr. Gasser has written and edited several books, and published over 100 articles in professional journals. He is the co-author of “Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives” (Basic Books, 2008, with John Palfrey) that has been translated into 10 languages (including Chinese), and co-author of “Interop: The Promise and Perils of Highly Interconnected Systems” (Basic Books, 2012, with John Palfrey). Urs Gasser’s research and teaching activities focus on information law, policy, and...

Gati Gayatri

Gati Gayatri is Lecturer in Faculty of Communication Science, University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo, Jakarta, as well as researcher and director at the Research and Development Centre of Literacy and Profession, Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. She received her doctorate in communication science from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta and previously worked as the director of the Multi Media Training Centre/College, Yogyakarta. She is an expert in the field of communication and media studies and has published widely within Indonesia.

Elizabeth D. Gibbons

Elizabeth D. Gibbons is currently a Senior Fellow and Visiting Scientist at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights in the Harvard School of Public Health and a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Kozmetsky Center of Excellence in Global Finance at St. Edwards University. Prior to these 2011 academic appointments, Gibbons enjoyed a lengthy career in the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), where she served most recently as Deputy Director, Policy and Practice and Associate Director of Gender, Rights and Civic Engagement in UNICEF’s New York headquarters. There she was responsible for providing guidance to the organization’s normative and operational work on gender and human rights, adolescent development/participation, and communication for development. As Chief of Global Policy from 2002 to 2007, she led establishment of economic and social policy analysis as a central focus of UNICEF’s action for advancing rights and well-being of children in the twenty-first century, shifting evidence-based advocacy from the margins to the core of the Organization’s work. She had a major role in shaping UNICEF’s global human rights advocacy, increasing visibility of children in poverty-reduction policy...

Pedro Pablo Gómez

Pedro Pablo Gómez is a teaching associate at the Facultad de Artes ASAB, Universidad Distrital in Bogotá, Colombia. He is a researcher on art and decolonial aesthetics as well as a doctoral candidate in Latin American Cultural Studies at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito, Ecuador.

Juan Cruz Gonzalez-Allonca

Juan Cruz Gonzalez-Allonca is currently National Director for Personal Data Protection at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Argentina. He graduated from the University of Buenos Aires Law School where he majored in Information Technology Law. He also received an Expertise Degree in Information Systems Engineering from the National Technological University and has a postgraduate diploma in Management of Information Security from the School of Engineering at Austral University. His research interests include human rights and scientific and technological development, privacy-enhancing technologies (PET), cloud computing, and big data.

Eric Gordon

Eric Gordon is a media scholar and game designer. He studies civic engagement, games and technology, and is specifically interested in how games and playful systems can impact civic life. He is an associate professor in the department of Visual and Media Arts at Emerson College where he is the founding director of the Engagement Game Lab. He is also a research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. In addition to numerous articles and chapters, he is the author of two books: Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World (2011, with Adriana de Souza e Silva) and The Urban Spectator: American Concept Cities From Kodak to Google (2010). He received his Ph.D. in 2003 from the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California.

Paulina Haduong

Paulina Haduong is a Master’s Candidate in Technology, Innovation, and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is interested in the intersection of education, technology, and art. She is a Co-Founder of theSexual Literacy Forum at Yale and holds a BA in Linguistics from Yale University, where she was a member of Berkeley College.

Jennifer Hanley

Jennifer Hanley is the Director of Legal and Policy for the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI).  Jennifer helps implement FOSI’s global projects, initiatives, and government outreach. She is responsible for assisting with FOSI policy positions on Internet safety issues including online privacy, mobile safety, cyberbullying, sexting and federal and state legislation.

Eija Hietavuo

Eija Hietavuo currently holds a post as CSR Manager in the UNICEF Corporate Social Responsibility unit in Geneva, Switzerland.  Eija joined the UNICEF CSR unit soon after it was founded in 2011 and she is passionate about her work, which focuses on UNICEF’s external engagement on the children’s rights and business agenda. Eija represents UNICEF on various CSR related platforms including the UNGC human rights working group and corporate stakeholder consultations. Eija Hietavuo has a M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from Aalto University in Helsinki and Cass Business School in London and a post-graduate degree in Sustainability Leadership from Cambridge University. Her international career expands from investment banking and financial information to ESG and CSR research and analysis and consultancy and prior to joining UNICEF Eija was heading the CSR and ESG related research and solutions business at Thomson-Reuters Inc.  

Jeff Hensley

Jeff Hensley is the Director of Philanthropy and Governmnet Funding at the Internet Society where he pursues competitive grant funding from governmental agencies. His work includes program design and evaluation, proposal writing, budgeting, and reporting. Jeff comes to the Internet Society from the consulting world where he managed a development consultancy that assisted non-profit organizations, particularly in higher education and healthcare, pursue external funding to support their respective programs. Prior to consulting, Jeff served as a chief of staff/development officer for a non-profit and, for a decade, as a university professor in the humanities. Jeff graduated with honors from Wheaton College and holds various graduate degrees from Yale University.

Perry Hewitt

Perry Hewitt has worked on internet initiatives in both corporate and nonprofit primarily through the lens of digital marketing and communications. As Chief Digital Officer, Perry is charged with Harvard’s efforts to develop a digital strategy for communications and engagement for audiences including the public, media, and 375K alumni worldwide. She has lived and worked in Switzerland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and can be found online at or @perryhewitt.

Sarah Holland

Sarah Holland is the U.S. policy lead for Google’s strategy and programs on youth and technology and controversial content. Prior to joining Google, she served as Legislative Assistant and senior advisor to Senator Mark Pryor on online safety, communications and technology, foreign policy, and education issues. Sarah received a B.A. from University of Arkansas and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University, and studied at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She is a member of the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) Board of Directors and National Consumers League LifeSmarts Advisory Board.

Richard Hsu

Richard Hsu currently teaches at Tongji University Graduate School of Design and Innovation and develops the curriculum for Tongji's new College of Design and Entrepreneurship. He serves as a consultant to the Taiwan Central Government's Ministry of Economics DOIT and the Pan Asian open innovation platform. As a TED ambassador to China, he focuses on community building around TEDx Shanghai's five main issues - education, innovation, social entrepreneurship and active citizenship, creative economy, and better cities.

Enrique Inciarte

Héctor Enrique Inciarte. Soy actualmente Coordinador de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) de la Región 17, Correspondiente a la Dirección de Tecnología Educativa, Dirección Provincial de Proyectos Especiales, Dirección General de Cultura y Educación, Provincia de Buenos Aires. En nuestra labor coordinamos aspectos administrativos, técnicos y pedagógicos del Programa Conectar Igualdad así como de los programas y políticas de inclusión de las TIC en Educación en toda la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Con formación de base en Análisis de Sistemas de Información, Profesor de Educación Secundaria de la Modalidad Técnico Profesional, en 2014 obtuve el título de Diplomado en Didáctica de la Formación Profesional de la Universidad Pedagógica (UNIPE). Me interesa investigar acerca de la apropiación e innovación de las TIC en educación, tomando como eje la formación inicial y continua de los docentes en busca de una profesionalización del género.

Alejandro Andres Iparraguirre

Alejandro Andrés Iparraguirre es Técnico Superior en Comercialización y Técnico en Electrónica, se desarrolla como Productor y Gestor cultural fomentando la industria de los Videojuegos.  Coordinador del área de videojuegos para el Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina. Profesor de la Universidad de Palermo en el Departamento de Multimedia en la Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación. Profesor Titular de la Maestría y la Licenciatura en Artes Electrónicas de la UNTREF Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Coordinador general en Gamester (Colectivo de profesionales vinculados con los juegos y videojuegos.). Vocero en DUVAL (Desarrolladores Unidos de Videojuegos de América Latina).

Carrie James

Carrie James is a sociologist based at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research explores young people’s digital, moral, and civic lives. At present, Carrie is co-PI of the Out of Eden Learn project, an online community for youth aimed at fostering cross-cultural dialogue and awareness of global concerns. She is also involved in MacArthur’s Youth & Participatory Politics research network, which is exploring how youth “do civics” in the digital age.

Malavika Jayaram

Malavika works broadly in the areas of privacy, identity, free expression and internet policy in India. A practicing lawyer specializing in technology law, she has a particular interest in new media and the arts, and has advised start-ups, innovators, scientists, educational institutions and artists. A Fellow at the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India, she follows legislative and policy developments in the privacy and internet governance domains. For the last few years, she has been looking at he evolution of big data and e-governance projects in India – particularly the world’s largest biometric ID project – and their implications for identity, freedom, choice and informational self-determination. She is currently a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Reynol Junco

Rey Junco is an Associate Professor of Education and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University and a faculty associate at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Rey applies quantitative methods to analyze the effects of social media on youth psychosocial development, engagement, and learning. His research has focused on discerning better practices for using social technologies to enhance learning outcomes. Rey has found that technology, specifically social media like Facebook and Twitter, can be used in ways that improve engagement and academic performance. Rey is also interested in examining how social media affect interpersonal relationships, identity development, online discourse, and digital inequalities, and how the use of digital media promotes formal and informal learning. He is particularly interested in how online anonymity impacts youth identity formation.

Maximilian Kall

Maximilian Kall, team member of Youth Policy Labs, is a dedicated European committed to research and debate on political and legal aspects of the information society. He has studied law with an emphasis on German and European media law. Maximilian worked with the European Youth Press in Brussels and was co-founder of the European Youth Media Days in the European Parliament. Since 2009 he has been involved in different fora on Internet Governance, such as the European Dialogue on Internet Governance of the Council of Europe and the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.

Andreas Karsten

Andreas Karsten migrates between research, journalism and facilitation in his work with non-profit organisations and civil society movements on youth rights, youth research, youth policy and common sense. He manages the team of Youth Policy Labs, a young think tank in Berlin, Germany that operates at the junction of policy, research and practice. With his team, he generates and consolidates knowledge on youth policies across the globe, including institutional frameworks on internet governance and online rights.  

Gurumurthy Kasinathan

Gurumurthy Kasinathan (Guru) is Founder and Director of IT for Change, an NGO based in Bangalore, India. He works on program, research and advocacy aspects in the domains of Education, Public Software and Internet Governance at IT for Change. He has led research in studying ICT programs in schools in the states of Kerala and Karnataka and works on the Regional Resource Centre component of the University School Resource Network (USRN) of Delhi University. He leads ITC programs in schools, using ICTs to pilot new models of teacher education, including Teachers Communities of Practice (CoP) and Open Educational Resources (OER). These programs are designed and implemented at school, block, and state levels in Karnataka. He has worked on the role of proactive disclosure on the Internet in the context of the Right to Information in India. He leads programs on the adoption and promotion of public software ( in the Indian public sector and is a member of teacher education committees at national and state levels.

Dorothea Kleine

Dorothea Kleine is Director of the ICT4D Centre at Royal Holloway, University of London (, which brings together researchers working in the field of information and communication and development. She is Reader (Associate Professor) in Human Geography and directs the specialist MSc in Practising Sustainable Development (ICT4D specialism). Dorothea has published widely on ICT4D and her most recent book is Technologies of Choice: ICTs, Development and the Capabilities Approach (MIT Press 2013). She has worked mainly in Latin America and Africa, conducting collaborative research with local communities and NGOs and acting as advisor to a variety of organizations, including UNESCO, UNICEF, EuropeAid, DFID, the German Development Agency (GIZ) and InWent. Dorothea is the lead author of the study Children, ICTs and Development: Capturing the Potential, Meeting the Challenges (UNICEF 2014), written together with David Hollow and Sammia Poveda.

Allyson Knox

Allyson Knox is Director of Education Policy and Programs in Microsoft’s Washington DC office. Since joining Microsoft in 2004 she launched several new national education programs including InterroBang, Problem Solving with Smithsonian Experts, Service Technology Academic Resource Teams program with the Corporation for National and Community Service, Scaling Education Success, C2i Gaming Challenge with the NEA Foundation and CareerForward. At the state‐level, she helped deploy Microsoft’s IT Academy available for NC, VA, GA, LA, and WA high school students. Prior to joining Microsoft, Allyson managed Workforce Innovation Networks as a senior program officer at the US Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Workforce.  She directed Michigan State University’s Young Spartan Program – a university‐urban elementary schools partnership, taught leadership and entrepreneurship courses to urban youth and community members as an economic development agent for Michigan State Extension, trained community leaders on building service coalitions at the Michigan Community Service Commission, secured federal grants and managed industry committees as Director of Workforce Development at the...

Beth Kolko

Beth Kolko is a researcher, educator, and entrepreneur who blends disciplinary perspectives to identify hidden problems and craft innovative solutions. She began her career as a professor in the humanities, studying how diverse communities used a then text-based Internet to organize and enact change. After a decade of work on technology adoption, adaptation, and usage patterns in low resource communities around the world, she became a professor in engineering in order to collaborate on building better solutions to intransigent problems. Her current work focuses on the potential of non-experts to create disruptive solutions, and she builds programs that help people become functional engineers so they can solve problems in their communities. She is currently a Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering and co-directs the Tactical and Tactile Technology Lab (formerly the Design for Digital Inclusion lab) at the University of Washington. Her technology development projects have included work on a low-cost ultrasound system for midwives in Uganda and a grassroots public transportation information system in Kyrgyzstan. She is also a co-founder and CEO of Shift Labs, a for-profit company building low-cost...

Đjorđje Krivokapić

Đjorđje Krivokapić is an associate lecturer at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at the University of Belgrade where he teaches courses on Business Law and IT Law. He also serves as the Legal and Policy Director of Share Foundation and the leader of its Share Defense project established with a goal to fight for the public’s interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights within the fields of privacy, free speech, government transparency and efficiency, surveillance and human rights and to promote the positive values of openness, decentralization, and free access to the exchange of knowledge, information and technology.

Viola Kup

Viola Kup is a communication design student at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2013 she founded the creative collective „Usanii Lab“ in the Eastlands of Nairobi, Kenya. Her research field is how African youths can empower themselves through different kinds of media, arts and pop culture and how media are used in the creative scene of the African continent where online galleries arise and generate new archives and networking. She loves traveling particularly in Africa, where she already spent several years.

Elif Küzeci

Elif Küzeci is an Assistant Professor at Bahçesehir University Faculty of Law in Istanbul, Turkey. She is a holder of LL.M degree on freedom of expression on the Internet and Ph.D on data protection from Ankara University. Her main areas of research are human rights, IT law, privacy, data protection and surveillance society.

Indra de Lanerolle

Indra de Lanerolle is a media and Internet researcher and writer and an experienced media producer. He is a Visiting Researcher at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg where he leads the Network Society Project, which produces research to protect and strengthen the development of an inclusive free and open Internet in South Africa and the African continent.

Maria Bazan Lazcano

Licenciada y profesora en Letras. Maestría en Educación, lenguajes y medios (UNSAM) en curso. Experiencia en el campo de la educación y las nuevas tecnologías. Tutora en la Especialización Docente en Alfabetización Inicial del PNFP "Nuestra Escuela", Ministerio de Educación de la Nación - INFD. Facilitadora pedagógica digital por el Plan S@rmiento (Ministerio de Educación del GCBA) en escuelas primarias: formación y capacitación de docentes en el uso de las TIC de manera transversal con los contenidos curriculares, alfabetización digital y desarrollo de actividades y proyectos mediados por TIC (docentes y alumnos).

Mariana Lef

Mariana Lef is an ICT agent within the public sector devoted to expand digital access and promote citizen appropriation of new technologies. She has been working for seven years in digital inclusion policies of the Government of Argentina. She led the Núcleos de Acceso al Conocimiento ( Program, authored the strategic plan and channeled the Argentina Conectada ( broadband iniciative; also was actively involved in the Digital Terrestrial Television Plan ( At the moment, within the Ministry of Federal Planning, she is collaborating with multiple state agencies in the design of innovative programs like Recuperar Inclusion (National Addiction Prevention And Treatment Program blending digital infrastructure and social recovery), and Plan Nacional de Cibersalud ( Ms. Lef holds a BA in Political Science from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and a Posgraduate Degree in Technological Services Managament from Universidad de San Andrés, both in Argentina.

Claire Leibowicz

Claire Leibowicz is a sophomore at Harvard College studying Mind, Brain, and Behavior-Psychology and Economics. Claire is a research assistant working at The Berkman Center on the Digital Problem-Solving Initiative and in the Youth and Media Lab. Her main research interest involves how adolescents make trust judgments online, particularly on social networking websites.

Nick Leisey

Nick Leisey is a Global Citizenship Fellow for UNICEF USA, positioned in Boston, MA and specifically tasked to guide Fellowship activities for the New England region. Nick is a community engagement professional, maintaining current projects connected to development, global education, and advocacy. Prior to joining UNICEF, Nick spent several years directing local school-based initiatives and non-profit public relations campaigns.

Amanda Lenhart

Amanda Lenhart is the Senior Researcher, Director of Teens and Technology at the Pew Research Center's Internet Project, where she directs research on young adults, teens, children and families. Her other research interests include education, gaming, and networked communication tools like mobile phones, social networks, blogging and other social information utilities. For her research about and knowledge of youth and their use of technology, Amanda has testified before congressional subcommittees, the FTC and the U.S. States' Attorneys General, and presented her work at numerous academic and non-academic conferences and briefings as well as to the media.

Minu Limbu

Minu Limbu is an Emergency Specialist in Information Management and Analysis and is the UNICEF Kenya Office focal point for humanitarian Innovation in consortium with the United Nations Children's Fund Kenya. With over 11 years of professional experience in humanitarian information and knowledge management as well as humanitarian innovation, Mr. Limbu is currently working as an Emergency Specialist with Emergency and Field Operations UNICEF Kenya, former IFRC/Red Cross, and UNOCHA. He is also an Erasmus Mundus fellow.  

Sonia Livingstone

Sonia Livingstone is a full professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. She is author or editor of seventeen books, including Children, Risk and Safety Online: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective. She directs the 33-country network, EU Kids Online, funded by the European Commission's Better Internet for Kids Programme and serves on the Executive Board of the UK's Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS), for which she is the Evidence Champion.

Lukonga Lindunda

Lukonga Lindunda is co-founder and Executive Director of BongoHive, Lusaka's Innovation Hub, a social enterprise that contributes to local social and economic development by harnessing the power of information technology and the untapped potential of creative entrepreneurs. He has worked for VVOB, providing technical assistance in educational projects and programmes by building sustainable and affordable ICT infrastructure and support systems. At USAID-funded Quality Education Services Through Technology (QUESTT) project, he worked on the Interactive Radio Instruction project as Technical Advisor. Lukonga is also co-founder of Mobile Monday Lusaka, Lead Organiser and Facilitator for Startup Weekend Lusaka, and advisor/mentor to local tech user groups such as Asikana Network and Google Developer Group Lusaka, MakerHut, and Ubongo Game Lab.

Andres Lombana-Bermudez

Andres Lombana-Bermudez works on the intersection between youth, digital technology, learning, and innovation. He recently finished a PhD in Media Studies at UT-Austin and previously completed a MSc in Comparative Media Studies at MIT. Andres studies how young people use technology for learning, communicating, and participating in culture, economy, and society. He is particularly interested in studying youth new media practices, social inequalities, and digital citizenship. Currently, Andres is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, a research associate with the Connected Learning Research Network, and a member of the Aprendiendo Juntos/Learning Together Council(AJC).

Rogelio Lejandro Lopez

Rogelio Lejandro Lopez is a researcher, activist, and media maker, whose work focuses on social movements, civic media, and youth and media. He also loves Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, and films by Hayao Miyazaki.

Colin Maclay

Colin is the director of the Digital Initiative at Harvard Business School and the former managing director of the Berkman Center. His broad aim is to effectively and appropriately integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) with social and economic development, focusing on the changes Internet technologies foster in society, policy and institutions. Both as Co-founder of the Information Technologies Group at Harvard’s Center for International Development and at Berkman, Maclay’s research has paired hands-on multi stakeholder collaborations with the generation of data that reveal trends, challenges and opportunities for the integration of ICTs in developing world communities.

Mary Madden

Mary Madden is a Senior Researcher for the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and an affiliate at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. She is a nationally recognized expert on trends in social media use, online privacy management, and the impact of digital media on teens and parents. Her other work for Pew has examined artists’ use of the internet, older adults’ adoption of technology and the role of digital communications in romantic relationships. The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan source of data and analysis. It does not take advocacy positions. Mary is part of an ongoing collaboration with Berkman’s Youth and Media Project that combines quantitative and qualitative research methods to study adolescents’ technology use and privacy management on social media. She is also a member of the Research Advisory Committee for the Future of Music Coalition’s Artist Revenue Streams Project. Prior to joining the Pew Research Center, Mary worked as a Research Assistant at Georgetown University. She holds an MA with distinction from Georgetown University’s Communication, Culture and Technology program and graduated summa cum laude from the University of...

Isaac Mao

Isaac Mao is a Chinese venture capitalist, software architect, and social media researcher. He is also known for co-founding, doing research in social learning and for developing the philosophy of Sharism. He is the director of the Social Brain Foundation, a vice president of the United Capital Investment Group (2004-2008) and a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

Laura Mares

A cargo de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Red Latinoamericana de Portales Educativos. Asesora del Gerente General de, ha integrado el Comité Ejecutivo de Conectar Igualdad y de la Comisión de Contenidos y Aplicaciones en Agenda Digital Argentina. Consultora y expositora invitada en más de 25 países de América, Europa, Asia y África.

Joanna Marinova

“Having your voice respected and a say in your destiny is an unalienable human right. I do this work because I believe in the value of our communities, the richness of diversity, and the power of our stories to transform. I dedicate my work to giving the silenced people, issues, and communities a voice.”   With a B.S. in International Relations and Economics from the University of Toronto, Joanna has solid corporate experience having worked for Citizens Bank and Wellington Financial Management. She was the founder and president of Women in Life Learning, a Toronto based nonprofit. Joanna has over 7 years of experience and a proven track record in management, operations and development work in nonprofits.

Eduardo Marisca

Eduardo Marisca is a digital media and technology researcher, designer, and strategist based in Lima, Peru.  

Carla D. Martin

Carla D. Martin is a writer, researcher, and educator. Currently a postdoctoral Harvard College Fellow in the Department of African and African American Studies at Harvard University, she teaches classes on race and technology, African popular culture, black ethnic diversity, and chocolate and food politics. Her ongoing ethnographic research projects focus on language, music, and digital media in the former Portuguese colonies and the politics of cacao and chocolate in Africa and North America. She can be found online at or @carladmartin.

Javier Mateos

Javier Mateos-Pérez es doctor en Comunicación Social y Propaganda por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente es Académico del Instituto de Comunicación e Imagen de la Universidad de Chile. Sus investigaciones se centran sobre el cine y la televisión.

Claire McCarthy

Claire McCarthy is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, a Berkman fellow, and a professional writer and blogger who has written extensively for the lay public about health and parenting. She is passionate about using the digital space to improve the health and well-being of youth and families.

Paul Mihailidis

Paul Mihailidis is an Associate professor in the school of communication at Emerson College in Boston, MA, where he teaches media literacy and interactive media. He is also Principle Investigator and Associate Director of the Engagement Lab at Emerson College, and Director of the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change. His research focuses on the nexus of media, education, and civic voices. His new book, Media Literacy and the Emerging Citizen (2014, Peter Lang), outlines effective practices for participatory citizenship and engagement in digital culture. Under his direction, the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change, a global media literacy incubator program, annually gathers 70 students and a dozen faculty to build networks for media innovation, civic voices and global change. Mihailidis sits on the board of directors for the National Association of Media Literacy Education. He has authored numerous books and papers exploring media education and citizenship, and traveled around the world speaking about media literacy and engagement in digital culture. He earned his PhD from the Phillip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Martha Minow

Martha Minow, the Morgan and Helen Chu Dean and Professor of Law, has taught at Harvard Law School since 1981, where her courses include civil procedure, constitutional law, family law, international criminal justice, jurisprudence, law and education, nonprofit organizations, and the public law workshop. An expert in human rights and advocacy for members of racial and religious minorities and for women, children, and persons with disabilities, she also writes and teaches about privatization, military justice, and ethnic and religious conflict. She served on the Independent International Commission Kosovo and helped to launch Imagine Co-existence, a program of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, to promote peaceful development in post-conflict societies. Her five-year partnership with the federal Department of Education and the Center for Applied Special Technology worked to increase access to the curriculum for students with disabilities and resulted in both legislative initiatives and a voluntary national standard opening access to curricular materials for individuals with disabilities.

Maletsabisa Tšabi Molapo

Maletsabisa Tšabi Molapo is a PhD candidate at the University of Cape Town (UCT), specialising in ICT for Development. Her interests include the use of ICTs in health education, User Experience Design, and Web/Internet Science. Her current research focuses on low literacy users’ access to educational content, the web and other ICT services. She holds a B.Eng degree in Computer Systems and Networks from the National University of Lesotho (NUL), and an M.Sc in Computer Science from UCT, obtained as a Mandela Rhodes scholar and a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholar.  She is passionate about exploring the ways in which ICTs can be used to empower communities (especially women and youth). To this end, she led the team that founded Her Chance to Be Foundation, a non-profit organisation that is committed in improving the lives of women and girl children in Lesotho, focusing on education, health, livelihood and access to technology. Tśabi also co-founded "Women in Technology Lesotho," a community of women in computing in Lesotho. In 2013, she worked as an intern under the GNOME Outreach Program, and researched User Experience aspects of designing and developing open source tools for circumventing surveillance...

Aleph Molinari

Aleph Molinari studied Economics at the University of British Columbia in Canada. In 2006 he directed a documentary film on the cycle of trash and the lives of trash pickers in Mexico City. The time that Aleph spent in some of Mexico´s most impoverished communities inspired him to foster social change with the use of technology and education. Aleph Molinari is currently the founder and president of the Fundación Proacceso, a non-profit organization that aims to bridge the digital divide and provides quality education in low-income communities in Mexico. The main project of the Fundación Proacceso is the Red de Innovación y Aprendizaje (RIA), or Learning and Innovation Network, a group of centers that connects underserved populations to quality education and technology. In just over four years, the RIA has expanded to 70 centers in 34 municipalities with more than 500,000 registered users and more than 140,000 course graduates. The RIA implements technological and educational innovations in areas with the greatest needs are and where educational performance is the lowest. RIA centers provide the population with access to training and opportunities for their social and economic development. Thus, users of the RIA...

Maria Lilliana Mor

Maria Lilliana Mor is the Director of Economic Opportunities at the Trust for the Americas/Organization of American States (OAS), where she oversees the implementation of the Partnership in Opportunities for Employment Through Technology in the Americas (POETA) program and multi-sector projects for vulnerable communities in Latin America. Mrs. Mor supervises and guides field coordinators and grassroots organization in the set-up and the operation of technology centers in 20 countries in LAC and identifies significant practices in the areas of social, educational, and labor inclusion of underserved communities. Maria has ten of experience in consulting and project management on international development. She has worked for the Inter-American Development Bank, the Pan-America Health Organization and the World Bank and in the non-profit field. Her knowledge and experience in ICT for development focus on vulnerable communities, community-based development, humanitarian assistance and workforce development. Maria Liliana holds a masters degree in Public Administration and International Development Management from American University and earned a B.A in Government and...

Gabriela Goulart Mora

Gabriela Goulart Mora has just joined UNICEF Brazil as the Youth & Adolescent Development Officer. Over the last 15 years she has worked as a researcher, social project manager and communications specialist with focus on youth issues in international organizations and NGOs in Brazil, India and England. Recently she has monitored UNICEF Brazil’s national study on the use of internet among adolescents. She has a master’s degree in Communications from the University of Brasilia and a second master’s degree in Anthropology & Development from LSE.

Abeer Musleh

Abeer Musleh has been active in the field of Youth Engagement and Development in the occupied Palestinian territory ( oPt) since the year 1997. She has volunteered with many organizations, and occupied various positions with Palestinian NGOs and UN agencies on issues of youth participation. Currently, she is a doctorate candidate in Social policy at the Heller school for social policy with a dissertation titled: “Changes within the field of Youth Engagement and Development in the oPT: a comparison across three historical periods”. She joined Bethlehem University / Social sciences department in the fall 2010, and was part of the advisory team that developed a Masters in Social Work. She participated in many conferences in Palestine and abroad in which she presented papers about youth political and civic engagement in the oPt.

Chisenga Muyoya

Chisenga is proactive leader with a deep passion for social change and mentorship for young women and girls. In line with her vision and passion, she co-founded Asikana Network, a youth led technology organisation to empower young women in Zambia. Additionally, she is the co-founder of the Pan African Network that seeks to increase the visibility of women in ICT across Africa. Chisenga applies her interest in ICT for development in her work as a Software Developer at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation where she focuses on developing SmartCare, Zambia’s national electronic health record system. Chisenga holds a BSc in Computer Science and is currently pursuing an MSc in Information Systems Management. She is a recipient of the Ministry of Science's postgraduate scholarship for outstanding females in science and has recently been named a Global Shaper under the World Economic Forum. Chisenga demonstrates a strong commitment to service through her volunteer work, and as a MILEAD Fellow she will be implementing a Mi-Change project on using technology to enable women to demand and enjoy their human rights.

Andres Williamson Nasi

Andres Williamson is a Senior Attorney working as the Public Sector Policy Director for Latin America at Microsoft Corporation, based in Fort Lauderdale. He supports the public sector sales team in LATAM and promotes the adoption of policies to foster the access, use and appropriation of technologies. He has a law degree from Universidad Javeriana, J.D., and a specialization in finance law from Universidad de los Andes, both in Bogota, Colombia. Prior to his current role, he performed as legal and corporate affairs lead for Microsoft Colombia for more than 5 years and before joining Microsoft he was a partner of the Bogota office of Baker & McKenzie, where he practiced law for 19 years.

Chérie Rivers Ndaliko

Chérie Rivers Ndaliko is an interdisciplinary scholar who studies radical arts interventions in conflict regions of Africa through ethnomusicology, film studies, and cultural theory. Her work centers on film and music as catalysts of movements of socio-political transformation as well as on the ethics and aesthetics of humanitarian aid in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this context she devotes particular attention to youth and gender politics. Beyond her academic engagement with issues of audio-visual representation, power, and resistance, she also advocates socially engaged scholarship and was a pioneer of Harvard University's Social Engagement Initiative during her graduate training. She is also a composer and pianist who holds a B.M. in film scoring from the Berklee College of Music, an M.A. from Harvard University in Ethnomusicology, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University in African Studies. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Music Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Petna Ndaliko Katondolo

Petna Ndaliko Katondolo is an internationally acclaimed filmmaker and activist and the founder of Yole!Africa (, and Alkebu Film Productions ( Yole!Africa, founded in 2000, is a cultural center that trains youth in digital arts, music, dance, and journalism with the objective of empowering young people to see themselves as agents capable of thinking critically and acting non-violently to shape their own realities. Yole!Africa currently serves 15,000 youth annually. As a filmmaker, Petna's cinematic style combines rhythm, image, and social critique with digital innovation to challenge traditional narrative structures. His films skirt the boundary of fiction and reality and provoke reflection on post-colonial African realities. As an activist, Petna has been the featured speaker for the UN Habitat series on the implication of urban youth and art in increasing security in the Great Lakes Region of Eastern Africa; the UN Habitat World Urban Forum on youth crime prevention; the EU Colloquium on Culture and Creativity in Development. He has also been featured on national and international news media including Al Jazeera, CBS Uganda, BBC, Radio Okapi, Digital Congo Television, and the Royal...

Judy Ndungu

Judy Ndung'u is the Chief Human Resource Officer for Musoni Kenya. She is responsible for talent acquisition, performance management, training and development, culture alignment and succession planning. She is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Ms. Ndung'u has over seven years of experience in human capital management in micro-financial services and information communications technology industry. In her role, she is committed to linking people, strategy and operations to drive business success. She started her career as a Business Studies teacher at Maasai Group of Schools before joining COM 21 Limited where she left as the Human Resource Manager. Judy holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Nairobi and a post-graduate diploma from the Kenya Institute of Management. She is also a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management.

Sarah Newman

Sarah Newman is a Fellow at metaLAB at Harvard and a visual artist working primarily in the area of photography. Her works engage ideas of physical and psychological, discovered and constructed spaces, often through a combination of color and black and white photographs and text. Sarah’s current work interacts with trees, bubbles, love, and narratives that emerge by bringing disparate and sometimes arbitrary pieces into visual relation and dialogue, in particular with regard to concepts of nature within urban space. Sarah holds a BA in Philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis, and an MFA in Imaging Arts from Rochester Institute of Technology. She's been a Visiting Artist in Berlin, Germany, and Malmö, Sweden.Sarah is based in San Francisco, California.

Caroline Nolan

Caroline Nolan is the Director of the Andover Institute, a new space at Philips Academy, Andover, designed to develop, test and assess new ways of experimental and experiential learning. She is the former Associate Director of the Berkman Center where she contributed to Center's cybersecurity project, cloud computing series, work on the Global Network Initiative, in addition to other efforts. Caroline has a Master's degree in International Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts University, and a Bachelor's degree from Brown University. While attending Fletcher, Caroline worked as a researcher for Reebok's human rights department and the Boston Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights. During her first career, she was a sous chef at Rialto restaurant in Cambridge.

Paulo Rogério Nunes

Paulo Rogério Nunes is the executive director of the Instituto Midia Etnica, the leading Black Media NGO in Brazil. He is also editor of Correio Nagô, a news blog focused in diversity and human rights that have young correspondents from several favelas in Brazil.  From 2011-2012 he has lived in the United States as a Fulbright H.Humphrey Fellow.  Prior, he was the civil society co-chair for the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Ethnic and Racial Discrimination (JAPER). Paulo is the lead in Brazil for VOJO technology, a tool developed by MIT Center for Civic Media's researchers that allow anyone update a blog without the need of a computer or Internet access. He is also an Ashoka Fellow and writes for the Americas Quarterly magazine about social inclusion.

Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma is the Africa Regional Coordinator of the World Wide Web Foundation. She is an experienced development professional who has worked in the ICT field in Africa for over a decade. As well as leading a highly regarded consultancy platform, Nnenna has in recent years co-founded The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa, and served as a board member of the Open Source Initiative. Her career has allowed her to work closely with many civil society  and global financial organizations, and has seen her involved in many phases of the UN’s Africa Information Society Initiative. She has lived and worked in five African countries and is fluent in English, French and a number of African languages.

Ferhan Odabasi

Ferhan Odabasi is a faculty member of Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. She has an MA in English language education and a Ph.D. in educational technology. She developed “Hypervocab” with Steve Neufeld, and received the European Academic Software Award: Best Software in the Field of Language. She has been the pioneer in Turkey to integrate educational technology into special education. She conducts research on safe, responsible and effective use of ICTs by children and families; parental awareness on Internet; professional development of teachers and higher education faculty; transformations stemming from the digital world; digital citizenship and ICT integration at K-12 and higher education institutions. She has been the primary national figure to resort to regarding safe, effective and ethical use of ICTs among children.

Mo Ogrodnik

Mo Ogrodnik is a filmmaker, professor, and the Founder/Director of FIND, a hybrid cultural lab dedicated to creating a transnational portrait of the UAE through the lens of artists, scholars and technologists. As Associate Dean of the Arts for NYU in Abu Dhabi, she helped create the Film, Music, Theater, Visual Art, and Interactive Media programs from 2010-2013. She started her film career in the early 1990's while working on Right Thinking, a documentary about the emergence of the New Right and the KKK for Kevin Rafferty and Michael Moore. She then produced films for National Geographic Television’s Explorer Journal, a series that put cameras in the hands of explorers from around the globe and told their stories. Her first film, Richard and Nicole, won numerous festival awards and sold to WNET. Her first feature film, Ripe, premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, was theatrically released, and continues to be shown on television. She co-wrote Uptown Girls, starring Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning, released by MGM. She co-wrote and directed, Deep Powder, a narrative film produced by Killer Films that premiered at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival and will be distributed Fall of 2014. Currently she is working on a...

Chido Onumah

Chido Onumah is a Nigerian journalist. He is coordinator of the African Centre for Media & Information Literacy ( Abuja, Nigeria, and currently a doctoral student in communication and journalism at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

Simeon Oriko

Simeon Oriko is the co-founder of Jamlab, a co-creation community for high school graduates in Africa. He is passionate about using digital technology to respond to real world challenges and opportunities and to effect social change. This shapes his vision and work in digital and innovation strategy. This passion previously led him to establish a number of initiatives such as the Kuyu Project premised on exploiting the value of digital technology to empower young people to achieve their goals. Simeon is a recipient of the 2012 Google Zeitgeist Young Mind Award, The 2013 Dewey Winburne Community Service Award by SXSW and an inaugural Africa Diaspora Fellow with the Capital City African-American Chamber of Commerce.

Carlos Osorio

Carlos Osorio is the Secretary of Information Technology and CIO of the D Atlántico State in Colombia, one of the fastest growing regions in Latin America.  He is leading several programs involving IT, with the main objective of improving education quality in some of the most needed population groups of the area; as well as the use of IT to generate new job opportunities and promote entrepreneurship.  With the support of the national and local governments he has expanded the Internet coverage throughout the Atlántico territory aiding to provide rural schools with computers and tablets, reaching a goal of 12 students per computer.  Leading the design and implementation of a networks where today more than 100,000 students and teachers can access new educational contents not only from the schools but also through free WIFI zones located in central squares and highly populated areas around remote rural towns, Carlos Osorio is helping improve the educational standards and the internet coverage of the Atlántico State, gaining regional and national recognition for the model and the obtained results.

Pablo Palazzi

Pablo Palazzi fue programador y abogado. Actualmente es socio del estudio Allende & Brea y Profesor de Derecho en la Universidad de San Andrés. Es autor de los siguientes libros: Protección de Datos Personales en la Argentina (Errepar, 2004), Informes Comerciales (Astrea, 2006), Delitos Informáticos (Abeledo, 2009) y Responsabilidad Civil de los intermediarios en Internet (Abeledo, 2012). Actualmente está escribiendo un libro sobre el Derecho al olvido en Internet.

John Palfrey

John Palfrey is the Head of School at Phillips Academy, Andover.  He also serves as a Trustee of the Knight Foundation and the President of the Board of Directors of the Digital Public Library of America. John’s research and teaching focus on new media and learning.  He has written extensively on Internet law, intellectual property, and the potential of new technologies to strengthen democracies locally and around the world.  He is the author or co-author of several books, including Intellectual Property Strategy (MIT Press, 2011); Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives (Basic Books, 2008); and Access Denied: The Practice and Politics of Global Internet Filtering (MIT Press, 2008). John served previously the Henry N. Ess III Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School. He is a director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, where he was executive director from 2002-2008.

Farah Pandith

Farah Pandith was appointed the first-ever Special Representative to Muslim Communities in June 2009 by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Under the leadership of Secretary John Kerry, the Office of the Special Representative is responsible for executing a vision for engagement with Muslims around the world  based on a people-to-people and organizational level. In the years since her swearing in, Farah has traveled to more than 80 countries and launched youth-focused initiatives including Generation Change, Viral Peace, the Transatlantic Leadership Network, and Hours Against Hate (a campaign that was a partner with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.)  In January 2013, she was awarded the Secretary's Distinguished Honor Award for "exceptionally outstanding service to the agencies of the US Government resulting in achievements of marked national or international significance.”

Ezequiel Passeron

Ezequiel Passeron is in charge of “Con Vos en la Web”, a national program based on education and awareness for the privacy rights of children and youth. He is responsible for developing and leading research on program design and evaluating public policy that explore the opportunities and risks for children and young people in a changing digital environment. He graduated from the University of Buenos Aires in Communication Science.

Kate Pawelczyk

Kate Pawelczyk is the project manager for the Voices of Youth Citizens initiative in UNICEF, which explores the opportunities and risks for children and young people in a changing digital environment. She also supports UNICEF’s youth engagement through the Voices of Youth community. Kate has been with UNICEF for 6 years, spending 4 of those in the capacity of Communication Specialist at the Country Office in her home country South Africa. Kate did her undergraduate in journalism and media studies and her postgraduate in development.  

Leah A. Plunkett

Leah A. Plunkett is Associate Professor of Legal Skills & Director of Academic Success at the University of New Hampshire School of Law and does research with the Student Privacy Initiative. Leah has a long-standing commitment to education and education law.  From 2011-2013, she was a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, where she taught first-year legal research and writing and worked on her own legal scholarship.  Previously, she established and served as the first directing Staff Attorney of the Youth Law Project at New Hampshire Legal Assistance.  The Youth Law Project represents low-income and at-risk youth—many of whom are facing criminal charges—in school discipline, special education, and related cases.  She also worked as a Staff Attorney at the National Consumer Law Center in Boston, where she promoted policies, regulations, and laws that advance economic security for low-income and vulnerable populations. Leah's scholarly interests take as a starting point the types of situations she saw kids and families face while she was in practice.  Typically, these involved intertwined issues of criminal, family, education, or consumer law.  Her research focuses on the unexpected—and...

Jack Linchuan Qiu

Jack Linchuan Qiu is associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He researches on information and communication technologies (ICTs), class, globalization, and social change. His publications include World Factory in Information Age (Guangxi Normal U P, 2013) and Working-Class Network Society (MIT, 2009). Some of his publications have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean. He serves on the boards of nine international academic journals and is Associate Editor for Journal of Communication.

Alejandro Robledo

Profesor en Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación. Referente Provincial Formación Docente Programa Conectar Igualdad. Docente en ISFD Nº 13 "República de Nicaragua". Zapala-Neuquén-Patagonia Argentina.

Ricarose Roque

Ricarose Roque is a PhD student at the MIT Media Lab with the Lifelong Kindergarten research group and a member of the MIT Scratch Team. Her research explores how to design technology-based learning environments that support intergenerational, creative learning, especially for underrepresented youth in computing. In particular, she studies creative collaboration in the Scratch online community, where youth create and share their own interactive media, and designs creative learning workshops for families with limited access to resources and social support in computing.

Niousha Roshani

Niousha Roshani is an anthropologist and human rights consultant specializing in childhood and youth in conflict-affected regions. As a fellow at the Berkman Center, she is researching the discourse of media and young people of African descent in Colombia and Brazil from a political, social, and economic perspective. She is also the Executive Director of the Nukanti Foundation for Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging, educating, and empowering youth to address the social impacts of long-standing conflict, poverty, and human rights violations. Niousha is completing her PhD in Anthropology at the University College London (UCL) and holds a Master’s degree in International Development from Cornell University.

Dale Rutstein

Dale Rutstein is the Chief of Communication and Advocacy at the UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti. Dale recently began his new role leading advocacy and communication for UNICEF’s global research function, after 6 years in charge of media, advocacy and partnership efforts for UNICEF China. In China, he expanded UNICEF’s social media initiatives for the promotion of child rights reaching almost 3 million regular followers. He led the development of UNICEF partnerships with media, celebrities, corporations, sports organizations and foundations. Dale has worked with UNICEF off and on since 1992, principally in its East Asia and Eastern Europe-CIS regions. He has carved out a specialization in media mobilization in support of high profile child rights lobbying efforts. As UNICEF Communication Chief in the Philippines (2003-2008), Dale orchestrated national media campaigns that secured the first juvenile justice system law and historic strengthening of breastmilk substitute advertising bans. Coming from the world of television journalism Dale has pioneered UNICEF efforts to include the voices of disadvantaged young people on nationwide broadcast television in Albania and the Philippines. From 1997 to 2000 Dale headed up...

Cielo Salviolo

Consultora e investigadora en comunicación e infancia y productora de contenidos audiovisuales infantiles. Participó en todo el proceso de creación de Pakapaka, el primer canal de televisión público infantil de Argentina y referente en Latinoamérica, fue su Directora fundadora hasta julio de 2012. Es también consultora sobre medios e infancia en diversas instituciones en la región. Ha sido Profesora titular de la Cátedra de Producción y Realización de televisión infantil en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Forma parte del Consejo de la Comunicación Audiovisual y la Infancia de la AFSCA (Autoridad de Aplicación de la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisuales en Argentina) y es Secretaria General del Comité de Seguimiento y Aplicación de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. Fue jurado en diversos Festivales internacionales de cine y televisión infantil (Alemania, Colombia, Japón, Chile) y ha realizado talleres sobre contenidos de calidad para la infancia en Perú, Uruguay, Colombia, Brasil y Ecuador.

Sharad Sapra

Dr. Sharad Sapra is Principal Adviser and Director of the Innovation Centre based in the Nairobi Regional Office, a position he assumed in January 2014. Prior to this latest appointment, Dr. Sapra served as UNICEF Representative in Uganda from August 2009, a position he assumed after serving as Director of Division of Communication at the UNICEF Headquarters in New York from 2004. Dr. Sapra also served as UNICEF Representative in Afghanistan from November 2002. Dr. Sapra begun his distinguished career with UNICEF in July 1983 as a Programme Management consultant in New Delhi, India. He subsequently appointed Assistant Project Officer, Health, in March 1985. In February 1988, Dr. Sapra transferred to Male, Maldives to work in the Programme Section as Project Officer until July 1989 when he became Assistant UNICEF Representative. In 1990, he moved to New York to assist with the global monitoring, evaluation and programme support to field offices until his transfer to UNICEF Dhaka as Senior Programme and Planning Officer.

Stella Mutale Sata

Stella Mutale Sata is the daughter of the current President of Zambia, His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata. Stella is currently pursuing an MSc in Management and Development of International Financial Systems at the University of South Wales. She graduated with a Bachelor's with Honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes University in 2013 and a Diploma in Business Administration from Nilai University, Malaysia in 2011. Having completed school at a young age, Stella is determined to ensure that children in Zambia are given equal access to good primary education. Her commitment especially serves orphans and vulnerable children. She is currently the Project Leader of the "Rebuild Lushomo Community School" project at Friends of Monze Lushomo Community School.

Mark Saldaña

Mark Saldaña comes to the Youth and Media team with a passion for community technology, cross-cultural research, and social issues that affect youth. He holds a BA in anthropology from Macalester College, where he researched Japanese youth perceptions of mental illness. Mark is also a community-based instructor involved with ESL education and interns at Cambridge Community Television.

Susan Carroll Schorr

Susan Carroll Schorr leads the digital inclusion work of the International Telecommunication Union, ensuring that women and girls, youth and children as well as persons with disabilities and Indigenous Peoples participate in the Information Society. Her portfolio includes the ITU International Girls in ICT Day campaign to make young women and school girls aware of information and communication technology (ICT) career opportunities, with an outreach of 70,000 girls in over 120 countries. She is the architect of the ITU Girls in ICT Portal which includes ICT scholarship opportunities, tech camps, profiles of women in ICT role models, inspirational videos and a host of other resources for women interested in tech careers. She also leads the joint Foundation Women’s Digital Literacy Campaign through which over 1,000,000 women at the bottom of the development pyramid have received digital literacy training. Ms. Schorr directed development of the latest ITU report, “Digital opportunities:  Innovative ICT Solutions for Youth Employment.” Prior to joining ITU in 2000, Ms. Schorr practiced antitrust law as an associate in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Howrey & Simon, LLP. She was graduated from the Georgetown...

David Sengeh

David Sengeh is a Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Media Lab. His research in the Biomechatronics Group is at the intersection of medical imaging, material science, human anatomy, computer-aided design and manufacturing to design comfortable prosthetic sockets and wearable interfaces. He is also President of Global Minimum, an organization that provides young people with the platforms to explore their creativity and design solutions that positively impact their communities.

Nishant Shah

Nishant Shah is the Research Director at the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS), Bangalore. Prior to CIS Nishant worked as an information architect with Yahoo, Partecs and Khoj Studios, was a Research Analyst for Comat Technologies and designed and taught several courses and workshops on the aesthetics and Politics of New Digital Media, for undergraduate and graduate level students in different universities around the world. Nishant has done his Ph.D. doctoral work from the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore. At CIS Nishant manages a portfolio of multi-disciplinary projects on Histories of the Internet, Wikipedia and the Critical Point of View, Technology mediated education, Digital Archives and Memories, and e-Governance. Nishant’s currently collaborates with the Hivos to explore Digital Natives and the potentials for social transformation and political participation in developing countries in the Global South.

Elvira Shamsuddin

Elvira Shamsuddin is currently the Deputy Director in the Outreach & Engagement Division of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. This Division is mainly responsible for developing and implementing the internet safety awareness/education program from the Malaysian users. The Division is also responsible implementing the Networked Media Research Collaboration Program with institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. To date, MCMC has issued eight grants to various universities in Malaysia in support of the research into this area. Elvira has been with MCMC since 2002. In addition to the current work in OED, which she joined in January 2014, she  have also been assigned to the Consumer Protection Department, the Content Regulation Department as well as the MyICMS886 Directorate. She has held several positions in the private sector before working with MCMC including in the oil and gas and financial industries.

Ivan Sigal

Ivan Sigal is the Executive Director of Global Voices, an online citizen media network that amplifies unheard stories and perspectives, originally founded at the Berkman Center. He designs and creates media projects around the world with a focus on networked communities, conflict, development, and humanitarian disasters. He was a Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, writing about digital media technologies and their effect on conflict. He also held many positions over a 10-year period at Internews, working on dozens of media projects across the former Soviet Union and Asia, on topics such as conflict, transitional societies, humanitarian information, broadcast and Internet media infrastructure, and freedom of expression.

Marilyn Delorbe Silva

Marilyn Delorbe Silva is the General Manager for SUPERATEC, the Spanish acronym for Personal Growth through Technology. SUPERATEC uses technology, human development and job training as away to fight poverty, to stimulate and create a new generation of people who will make a difference—we consider these people to be our network of Change Makers. She has adopted SUPERATEC as her social venture after the founder’s death, taking it from a pilot project into a recognized organization that has trained more than 17,000 people, placed more than 4,500 youth in entry-level positions through the Job Bank in more than 100 companies, and has a network of 11 training centers throughout 4 states in Venezuela. Marilyn was the recipient of the 2012 Social Entrepreneur awarded by Schwab Foundation and Venezuela without Boundaries Foundation.

Rene Silva

At 11 years old, Rene Silva created the Newspaper Voz da Comunidade and has since assumed an important role in the national and international stage. On November 28, 2010, during the invasion of state forces in Complexo do Alemão, Rene reported to the world the details of the raid in real time through the microblogging, Twitter, all the information about the action of the police, the reaction of bandits, and daily life of the community. His online presence attracted the attention of personalities from around the world and he has since released a book and has won several awards such as: “It Makes the Difference” Award (Prêmio Faz a Diferença) from the newspaper O Globo which celebrates the moment of peace and development of Rio and Brazil, the Shorty Award which honors the best people and organizations on Twitter and social media, the top 100 most influential Brazilians in the country by Epoca magazine, best content producer in the innovation category by the New York Times, and many more. Today, Rene develops social projects in his community and connects approximately 162 thousand people and businesses through social media. In addition, he frequently lectures to large enterprises relaying...

Luca Simeone

Luca Simeone is a Fellow at metaLAB at Harvard and a PhD candidate at Malmö University in Sweden. His research interests include design management, organizational strategies for collaboration, strategic design targeted to innovation. His trajectory crosses design management, interaction design and design anthropology. He has conducted research activities in leading international centers (Harvard, MIT, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology), (co)authoring and (co)editing some 50 publications. His latest book (Visualizing the Data City, Springer, 2014) explores the potential of data visualizations for more inclusive urban design, planning, management processes. He is the founder and managing partner of Vianet, an interaction design agency focused on delivering advanced technology and design solutions based on ethnographic research methods. Vianet has worked on more than 500 high-impact and award-winning projects, from interactive museums to experimental publishing platforms. Luca also works as a consultant for public and private organizations (the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) in order to help define strategies, policies and funding schemes to support...

Rene Alicia Smith

Dr. René Alicia Smith is Senior Lecturer and Acting Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Design at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) in South Africa. She has a PhD in Media & Cultural Studies, an MA cum laude, and a BA Hons in Broadcasting Studies from universities in South Africa and the UK. Her doctoral research was on youth, media consumption and lifestyles. Read more about her here:

Clara Sommarin

Clara Sommarin works as a Child Protection Specialist at UNICEF Headquarters. She is responsible for providing technical support and guidance to UNICEF field offices and partners on effective programmes to address violence, sexual abuse and exploitation, including through information and communication technologies. Prior to joining UNICEF Headquarters in 2009, she worked in the Child Protection Section at the UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama from 2001-2008. Before joining UNICEF, Clara worked at Save the Children Sweden where she coordinated child rights projects and supported NGO reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child. She holds degrees in Humanitarian Assistance and Political Science, with specialization in international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Sujata Sriram

Sujata Sriram is an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Center for Human Ecology at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai India. She has a PhD from the University of Delhi. Her background is in Human Development and psychology. For the last four years, she has been carrying out studies on the effects of online social networking on adolescents and youth along with her students with a focus on the impact of social networking sites on identity and identity management. She has also begun to look at parental mediation of internet and social networking with a study in the works to examine cyber-bullying and its effects on adolescents in India.

Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi

Mohamed Sharil Bin Mohamed Tarmizi is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM). Previously, Sharil was the Executive Director and Head of Strategy in BinaFikir Sdn Bhd, a financial advisory and strategy consulting firm. He first joined SKMM in May 2000 to take up the challenge of ‘boldly going where no one had ever gone before’ to help the country implement the world’s first convergent legislation, the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (including the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998). In the international arena, Sharil has worked closely with the main international organizations in the Internet field, such as the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers2 (ICANN), where he was the second past Chairman of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) and a board member of ICANN4 for 4 years from 2003 to 2007. He successfully navigated the GAC and assisted ICANN through the challenging early years of the debates surrounding Internet Governance at two United Nations World Summits on the Information Society in Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005). He has also worked with the World...

Amanda Third

Associate Professor Amanda Third is Principal Research Fellow in the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, and Research Program Leader in the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre ( Third's research examines the socio-cultural dimensions of marginalised young people's everyday technology practices and their relationship to those young people's wellbeing.

Emily Vacher

Emily Vacher joined Facebook in 2011 and is currently the Head of Global Safety on Facebook’s Privacy & Public Policy Team. Prior to her role in Policy, she worked on Facebook’s Security Team as the Trust & Safety Manager for The Americas. Before she joined Facebook, Emily was a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for more than a decade, leading a broad range of federal investigations. Specializing in Crimes Against Children matters, Emily was assigned to Innocent Images investigations and the Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team. Emily holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University, an MS from Syracuse University, an MPA from the Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs and a JD from Syracuse University College of Law.

Daniel Alvarez Valenzuela

Daniel Alvarez Valenzuela is a law professor at the University of Chile School of Law teaching on Privacy, Copyright and Technology. He is currently the Chief Editor of the Chilean Journal of Law and Technology (RchDT) and Research Coordinator of the Cyber Law Center at University of Chile, School of Law. In addition to being a lawyer, he is an academic and founder of the NGO Derechos Digitales Chile and worked as Legal Advisor to the Minister and President of the National Arts and Culture Council of Chile from 2005 to 2010.

Veronika Vashchenko

Veronika Vashchenko leads the communication team in the UNICEF office in Ukraine. She posses twelve years of experience in external & media relations, partnership and digital communications for United Nations agencies and non-profit organisations. Last year, she brokered UNICEF partnership with one of the biggest Russian-language social networks VKontakte to promote challenges & opportunities of digital world among young people. As a mother of 3 year old daughter, Veronika is learning each day how to speak as different animals, build castles and enjoy each moment. Recently she created a group in Facebook for mothers to exchange used toys.

Marta Voelcker

Marta Voelcker is a researcher and consultant in technology for development, and technology integration in education. She received her PhD in Digital Technology in Education (UFRGS, 2012), a Masters in Social Psychology, (UFRGS 2006), and a BS Administration with System Analysis (PUCRS, 1990). Her recent projects include: “ICT in Public Libraries in Brazil” 2012, produced for the Brazilian Ministry of Culture supported by Gates Foundation; “Global Impact Study” 2011, produced with TASCHA -University of Washington, supported by Gates Foundation and IDRC; “Pilot Experiences of One to One Computing in Brazil”, produced for the Brazilian Ministry of Education supported by IADB (2010).

Dana Walters

Dana Walters is a program coordinator with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, where she supplements the core team’s efforts on research, communications, events management, and more. During the summer of 2013, Dana interned under Berkman Director Susan Crawford, co-writing a case study on the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics and the launch of the 311 system in City Hall. Prior to joining Berkman, Dana lived in Washington, D.C. and worked as a Presentation Center fellow with National Journal, where she learned how to troubleshoot your every PowerPoint need (and occasionally did some basic political research.) Dana graduated from Middlebury College with a B.A. in English and American Literatures in 2012.

Katharine Wang

Katharine Wang is the global policy lead for Google's strategy on child safety and digital literacy. Kat works to make sure that national and regional initiatives align with Google's global strategic planning across all legal, communications, and product engineering teams on these issues. Most recently, Kat co-chaired the cross-functional team to redesign Google's Safety Center, an online guide to staying safe and secure online.  Kat studied at Stanford University and speaks both Chinese and English. She is a published author as well as a fantasy/sci-fi novel enthusiast.

Tricia Wang

Tricia Wang is a global tech ethnographer transforming businesses into people-centered organizations. Utilizing Digital Age design research methods, Tricia specializes in balancing qualitative and quantitative data analysis for institutions to fulfill their strategic goals. She advises organizations (large and small) on how to understand their "users" or "consumers" as people, not just datasets. She’s passionate about her work as a people champion in companies, start-ups, and non-profits. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Nokia and GE and numerous institutions from the UN to NASA. Her research interests lie at the intersection of technology and culture—the investigation of how social media and the internet affect identity-making, trust formation, and collective action. Through extensive fieldwork in China and Latin America, she has developed expertise on digital communities in emerging economies, leading to the formulation of an innovative sociological framework for understanding user interactions online.

Bu Wei

Bu Wei is a professor at the Institute of Journalism and Communication (IJC), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and director of the Research Center for Children and Media. Bu focuses on research on the Critical Development Communication. Since 1990, she has published over 10 books and 200 articles on ICT/communication for Development, children/youth’s use of media/ICTs and their sub-culture, participatory communication, media empowerment for marginal groups, feminist media studies, media literacy education, NGOs’ communication activisms, art activism for social changes, working class cultural studies, and communication research methodology. Bu is also an activist in the practice on communication and development. She has worked with peasants, rural children and youth, migrant children, workers, trafficking of women and children, minorities, youth affected by HIV/AIDS and other groups and has explored the theories, models, and action guidelines through pilot projects and action researches as consultant for UNICEF and international agencies.

Baohua Zhou

Dr. Baohua Zhou is an associate professor at Journalism School of Fudan University, China. He is also the director of the new media communication master program and associate director of Media and Public Opinion Research Centre of Fudan University. His research focuses on Internet and digital media, media effects, and public opinion. His current research projects include Internet and civic engagement in China, digital media and youth in Shanghai, and public opinion on Chinese social media, among others.